(YouTube) Michael Malice - Connecting The Dots Of Chaos | Modern Wisdom Podcast #277

Q: Given that the Capitol hill riots have [sic] managed to beat even the election and COVID in terms of news coverage over a short period of time, what do you think people should have taken away from that?

A: [sic] they thought Trump was the river but he was the dam. They thought Trump was the source of all [sic] all the things that they hated, like he's the head vampire, once you get rid of the head vampire all the other vampires dissolve and you can return to what you perceive as normal. There's not gonna be a return, the enemy class will never have this absolute power that they had before, even anywhere near it, increasingly people are becoming not just hostile, but, how do you have a conversation with someone who doesn't just distrust you but is completely uninterested in anything you have to say. I don't see how you can put that Humpty Dumpty back together again, and I think that is going to be, so their only metric is "silence the opposition", right? Cus basically if you have two options, and then I get rid of one by default, everyone is gonna go to me, well it's very hard to silence an entire population in a world where there's technology, an entire internet based on allowing people the opportunity to speak and present their points of view. I don't see how it's done. And the left has historically understood this, when you drive a population underground and then they have nothing to lose, this is going to radicalize them and blow up in very dangerous ways. So I have thought for a long time what I would do if I were the corporate press to try to reintegrate this population of society, and they're basically doing the complete opposite of what I would advise. And I'm not surprised because if they were capable of learning they wouldn't be the enemy class.

Q: What would you advise? Let's say that Michael Malice gets put in charge of the media, how do you bring the disaffected groups back in?

A: [sic] it would be tough because since I have for decades been advocating for war, lying to population, just brazenly, shamelessly [inaudible] their children, it’s gonna be really hard to get them back on board. But i would do things like, I would take some sort of marginal figures and put them in some kind of ceremonial position, and pretend, okay we're gonna make an effort to reintegrate. I would stop trying to, I would have these places where people could have these discussions, but try and build as many moats around them as possible instead of trying to silence them completely. Let them talk to each other but try to have that talking not reach the mainstream consensus-that's going to be hard. And I would stop trying to do things like, if you're sitting there talking about calls for vengeance and people can hear you, this is really gonna give them an incentive to strike first, right? Cus then it becomes self defense. So all of twitter was all about we have to persecute these people, we have to drive Josh Hawley from the Senate, Ted Cruz from the Senate, we have to make sure this never happens again. It's like Trump's numbers went up in terms of the voting share from 2016. So you really have a problem if for four years of going after someone who was not particularly a good person or a nice person, and he had more people voting for him the second time around. Strategically whatever approach you had, did not work because it, even though he did lose the election it did not decrease the number of people who were comfortable going into that ballot box, and for whatever reason, clicking that switch on his behalf.

What is the strategy going forward? Watch The Rising clip below:

“Well the Democratic Party has already landed on their midterm messaging to help Democrats hold on to their slim majority in the House. Are they focused on relief checks, or healthcare, or climate, or any of the many issues Americans repeatedly tell pollsters they care most about? Nope. Instead, apaprently, their focused on QAnon”

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